Tag Archives: pro choice

Remember Sarah, Confucius Says “Before You Embark on a Journey of Revenge, Dig Two Graves.”


Sarah Palin, Andrew Halcro, left, and Tony Knowles were questioned by Larry Persily in a November 2006 debate in Alaska.

Alaskan Republican Andrew Halcro, the former Alaska State Representative and well regarded political blogger is none too pleased with Sarah Palin‘s poisonous arrows aimed at him (and many, many others) in her new book “Going Rogue.”  On his blog today Halcro, a no-nonsense politician who recently stated his intention to challenge Representative Don Young in the upcoming 2010 Republican primary, sent Sarah Palin a clear warning as to how the inaccuracies throughout “Going Rogue” may be dealt with by those personally attacked.

BTW, checkout the video clip of Andrew Halcro, Sarah Palin and Tony Knowles debating each other on the issue of abortion back in November 2, 2006.  Observe how very different Halcro, Knowles and Palin answer the question on what they would advise their own daughter(s) to do in the case of a pregnancy as a result of rape.  Palin is smiling, her reply is unemotional and almost cheerful, while Halcro and Knowles each give thoughtful, sensitive responses.

Sarah Palin Truth Squad


November 16, 2009: On Friday after they received an advance copy of Sarah Palin’s new book, the Associated Press called me to get a response from the two hundred plus words that Alaska’s former 1/2 term governor dedicated to me.

My favorite passage as read to me by Rachel D’Oro at the AP was when Palin referred to me as an “effete chap.”

An effete chap? Who am I, Nick Carraway in the Great Gatsby?

And by the way, when did Palin start using 17th century Latin in her dialogue?

According to the brief excerpts I’ve heard, the book seems like it’s less about her and more about blaming everybody around her for all of her short comings. From her lack of intelligence to the word getting out about her pregnant daughter, no matter what the problem or criticism, it’s always somebody elses fault and never hers.

This in and of itself is rich in irony.

After all, how many real rogues complain about being hemmed in by the actions of others?

Isn’t that the antithesis of a rogue?

However, once the book is on the street beginning Tuesday, those throughout Palin’s 413 page pity party that suffer the wild blows of her imagination will come forward with guns blazing to refute the revisionist history Palin has penned.

From the brief passages that Palin has written about me in her book, the terms unmitigated lies, narcissistic delusions and libel came to mind first.

Obviously she never learned the timely Confucius warning:

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”

Beginning Tuesday…the people whom Palin has attacked in her book will start reaching for their own shovels.

Andrew Halcro
Andrew Halcro.com

Palin and America’s Paranoid-Style Politics

Sarah Palin exemplifies all the worst traits of paranoid politics found within America today.

Sarah Palin exemplifies all the worst traits of paranoid politics within America today.

Forty-five years ago this November, political historian Richard Hofstadter published a provocative essay in Harper’s Magazine entitled “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” in which he argued that our nation “has served again and again as an arena for uncommonly angry minds.”

Hofstadter, a widely celebrated professor at Columbia University who had just won a Pulitzer Prize for his book “Anti-Intellectualism in American Life,” was then confronting both the ghosts of McCarthyism and the more immediate significance of Barry Goldwater’s candidacy for president of the United States. Hofstadter was particularly concerned about assessing “how much political leverage can be got out of the animosities and passions of a small minority.”

“I call it the paranoid style,” Hofstadter wrote, “simply because no other word adequately evokes the qualities of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind.”

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REAL American Moms AGAINST Governor Sarah Palin For VP (Video)

Check out this wonderful video created by American Moms who are AGAINST Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin becoming the next vice president, only ONE 72-year-old heart beat away from becoming leader of the United States!!  Also, visit their website at VoterMoms.com in order to view additional segments of this video on important issues such as the economy, the war, choice and abstinence, freedoms, special needs, healthcare, the environment, experience, and McCain’s judgement.


Readers Write: 12 Stomach-Turning Revelations About Sarah Palin

AlterNet readers respond to the latest evidence of just how bad Sarah Palin is for an office that puts her a heartbeat away from the presidency.  Most of these issues have been covered extensively here on the Sarah Palin Trust Squad, but certainly bear re-examination.

Over the weekend, a perfectly good PR opportunity was ruined for Sarah Palin when the audience at a Philadelphia hockey game booed the Alaska governor during the ceremonial dropping of the puck.

Philly hockey fans have not been the only ones to loudly express their disapproval of Palin in recent weeks. The VP candidate’s spiraling drop in popularity is reflected in polls, in the press and among prominent conservatives — by everyone, that is, but the die-hard fans who still eat up Palin’s forced folksiness at campaign events.

Palin’s drastic loss of support has been driven in large part by the endless revelations about her competence and character that have emerged since her nomination — revelations that can’t be glossed over with frantic winks and “you betchas.”

Last week, AlterNet compiled yet another list of stomach-turning new facts about Palin, ranging from her attempts to undermine trust in Obama with racially tinged rhetoric to her shady history as governor of Alaska.

AlterNet’s readers had a lot to say about the latest evidence of just how bad Sarah Palin is for an office that puts her a heartbeat away from the presidency. We’ve compiled some of the best reader comments below.

Many of our commenters were especially incensed by Palin’s recent character assaults on Barack Obama. Several readers attacked the unfathomably skewed logic used by both Palin and McCain in their attempts to paint Obama as dangerous:

Bgroat makes the point that by McCain and Palin’s standards, McCain would be considered a “terrorist”:

… the fact that McCain has worked with Obama for the past four years puts him in the same boat. In other words, they can’t paint Obama as a terrorist using their logic without simultaneously painting McCain as one, as McCain, through working in the Senate with Obama, has done exactly the same thing they accuse Obama of doing (associating with former member of the Weather Underground Bill Ayers).

Waimea Witch agrees, pointing out that if we judge politicians by their “associates,” we should be deeply concerned that every Washington senator is on the verge of lobbing bombs at federal buildings:

… Senator Robert Byrd is an ex-KKK member, so, does that make every member of the Senate a domestic terrorist by association?

Purple Girl invokes yet another fine illustration of the maxim about stones and glass houses, pointing out that unlike Barack Obama, Sarah Palin actually shares the ideologies of many domestic terrorists:

Sarah has some Ideologies which are akin to some rather notorious Domestic Terrorists — McVeigh (hated U.S. Govt too), Charlie Manson (End Of Dayer, with Death Valley as the “Refuge”), and of course the “Pro Lifers” who thought nothing of Bombing Planned Parenthood Clinics, assassinating MD and Blowing a Pipe bomb Off in the middle of the Atlanta Olympics. Strike 3 Sarah, YOU ARE A BONAFIDE SOCIOPATH. Terrorist Doctrines spew out your mouth, and have been unearthed from your Recent History.

Jest2007 highlights another worrisome aspect of Palin’s history: her connection to the Alaskan Independence Party, a radical organization that calls for Alaska’s succession from the United States:

Maybe this would be a good time to examine Palin’s association with the AIP. The AIP’s creation was inspired by the rabidly violent anti-Americanism of its founding father Joe Vogler. The central purpose of the AIP is to drive Alaska’s secession from the United States. In 1992 Vogler renounced his allegiance to the United States explaining that, “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government.” He cursed the stars and stripes, promising, “I won’t be buried under their damned flag … when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.” Palin has never denounced Vogler or his detestable anti-Americanism.

dayahka optimistically argues that all the recent revelations about Palin are essentially irrelevant, since soon enough the Alaska governor will disappear from the national spotlight:

Palin will shortly return to Alaska and will probably be recalled, impeached, censured, and/or jailed. But what of the reckless fool who put this scum on the national scene?

But Truthteller is less optimistic, writing that despite Palin’s recent embarrassments, she could still help the Republican ticket pull in a last-minute win:

I’ve been saying for a long time that I believe the fix is in and McCain is going to “win” another stolen election. I just couldn’t see how they could get it close enough to steal before the Palin selection. Now, I can. All the arguments are in place to explain away the theft like they were four years ago — religious voters make last-minute turnout surge, they don’t like talking to exit pollers, or lie to them to f*** with the results.

Tom Degan agrees, pointing out that there’s nothing new about Republicans appealing to their base with incompetent candidates:

Twenty years ago, Poppy Bush nominated a man who had all the substance of a department store mannequin — and yet the GOP won that election! The Democrats have every reason to be cautious. Given the American people’s absolute genius for doing the wrong thing in the voting booth, anything can happen between now and Election Day — and probably will.

Lreal also argues that while Palin’s methods are detestable, they may turn out to be effective:

The history books of the future will show that the Republicans from 1980 to present and probably at least 10 years into the future is a party of dangerous demagoguery. Sarah Palin, and the acceptance by the majority of people in her own party shows that a demagogue mentality can get you far within this sector of the population no matter your true and obvious intellect. This also shows that if you can magnify this demagogue quality, then it can replace intelligence as a matter of accepted quality; and any opponent with a bit of intelligence is a liberal elite, no matter how much more humble they are than the subject.

Spritgirl writes that McCain and Palin are resorting to the usual Republican tactics: using Rovian character assaults to get bad candidates into office:

… the McShame/Failin ticket should not be rewarded for their efforts! These tactics of appealing thru peoples fears are straight out of the Lee Atwater/Karl Rove book, they are despicable and dangerous! Since they cannot run on the issues, they should both just sit down and shut up!!! These are extremely desperate attempts by two very unqualified individuals to get into the Oval Office! Their theory of divide (the body politic) and conquer appeals to those sheeple that want to be led around, and hopefully they will lead themselves and their sheeple off a cliff!Whether or not the McCain campaign’s tactics will be successful in swaying voters, McCain’s desperate gambit to include and keep Palin on the ticket — despite the unending stream of revelations throwing her character into question — has added a terrifying component to the election.

As John Orford writes: “AlterNet is giving me sleep problems … I keep dreaming McCain died and then I can’t get back to sleep.”

12 Stomach-Turning Revelations About Sarah Palin

Rape Victim Assails Palin On Choice

Op-Ed: Barbra Streisand on “Who Is Sarah Palin?”

Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand

Beloved American icon Barbra Streisand expresses her concerns on the choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential candidate.

Until the Republican Convention, very few had ever heard of Sarah Palin… and now this mean-spirited campaigner is asking who is Barack Obama?

I’m asking who is Sarah Palin?

I know that she’s a woman who doesn’t believe in allowing women the right to choose their own reproductive health decisions even if they are victims of rape… but approves of these victims getting billed by the government for the rape kits used to examine them.

I know she’s a beauty pageant runner-up who is a gun totin’ extremist in her views on the environment, religion, women’s choice and the separation of church and state.

I know she’s a woman who along with John McCain would divide this country while pledging that she and the Senator are “mavericks” who know how to reach across the aisle.

I know that as mayor of the small town of Wasilla she increased spending by 63% and left behind a $19 million long-term debt, which was non-existent before she took office.

I know she hired the same good-ol’-boy network of Washington lobbyists she says she will fight if elected, in order to secure millions of dollars of earmarks for Wasilla.

I know that she’s been found guilty of abusing her power as governor by pressuring a state official to fire her former brother-in-law and then firing the official when he refused… an investigation that began prior to her selection as vice president.

And I know that the American public has had less than two months to vet Sarah Palin, and during this time the press has had to fight tooth and nail to secure just two network interviews with her… while she still refuses to appear on the tougher Sunday news shows.

On the stump, Sarah Palin and John McCain continue to avoid addressing the critical issues facing our country. Neither of them provides any substantive conversation on what they will do to steer our country on a journey back to prosperity. Palin’s sheer ignorance and lack of experience precludes her from speaking thoughtfully about the financial and foreign policy dilemmas we face. And John McCain’s voting record forces him to change the subject.

McCain knows his policies have contributed to the unraveling of our financial systems due to excessive deregulation. McCain knows that he supported the war in Iraq since its inception, which has been a tremendous financial and military drain on our country. Both Sarah Palin and John McCain know that if this election continues to be about the housing market, the economy, healthcare, the environment, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — the issues that affect everyday Americans — they will lose this election. And after eight years of Republican control that has left this country in deep distress… they should lose. So now that we know who Sarah Palin is… do we want her a heartbeat away from the presidency?

Who Is Sarah Palin?