
This “Op-Ed” page is devoted to sharing opinion pieces on the vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin from a wide variety of main stream media journalist and contributors.

Alaskan Sherrie Goll, a consultant to government and non-profit agencies serving women and children, wrote an excellent opinion piece for the Sun Sentinel.  Ms. Goll, a long time supporter of women candidates for public office, outlines her objection to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and why she believe Palin to be such a danger to the country  (… Thanks but no thanks, keep clueless Sarah far away  September 21, 2008)

My parents and grandparents were secular Jews who lived and died in Fort Lauderdale.  They taught me to respect education and tolerance, to fight bigotry and racism, to empower myself and other women, and to accept some responsibility at election time.

I moved to Alaska in 1974, and dedicated my professional life to the development of state policy and legislative budgets to promote health and safety for women and children.

I have spent decades supporting the election of women to public office, but I can’t support Sarah Palin.  I shudder at the thought that this prejudiced, ignorant, deceptive woman might become vice president, just one 72year old’s heartbeat from the Oval Office.

Palin is simply clueless about national and foreign affairs. She never had a passport before becoming governor. She has no skills or background to protect American interests against experienced, successful and dangerous international power players like Russia’s Vladimir Putin. 

For seven months she hid her pregnancy from the public, her friends and even from her family because she felt Alaskans might disapprove of a first term governor becoming pregnant. Secrets and strategic lies come easily to Sarah.

My grandparents said a campaign of repeated lies brought Hitler to power. A campaign of lies brought us into Iraq. Haven’t we had enough ignorance and dishonesty in Washington?

Palin’s deepest beliefs are as dangerous as her lies. Like all candidates, she will claim support for Israel – but not because of any exposure to American Jewish interests or because of Israel’s strategic importance to America.

Until a week ago, when she was speed-briefed by former Bush advisors, Sarah’s information about Israel came from the Wasilla Bible Church. Recently, after a sermon by the leader of Jews for Jesus, Sarah and her family prayed to God for the conversion of all Jews, especially those in Israel.

Please send Sarah to back to Alaska in November. We don’t really want her, but will sacrifice for the good of the country and the world.

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