Tag Archives: Sarah Palin Fox News

Palin Wants To Interview Katie Couric, ‘See ‘If She’s Learned Anything Yet About Alaska’ (VIDEO)

Gretchen Carlson of Fox News interviews Sarah Palin during her “Going Rogue” book tour. Carlson states Sarah Palin wrote her own book and gives Palin a “hats off to you as a mom” for Palin explaining she had to change a diaper before going out to debate Vice President Joe Biden during the 2008 presidential campaign. Really?? What would a baby be doing back stage at a vice presidential debate? And Sarah Palin really expects us to believe, after all the makeup and wardrobe preparations, that just before stepping on the stage there was Trig with a dirty diaper and NO ONE else around to change it??

Carlson is not sure why women are so divided on Palin …

Geography Eludes Palin: Iraq or Iran – What’s the Difference to Sarah? (Video)

Sarah Palin picked celebrity interviewers and right-wing pundits for her book promotion tour, probably to avoid embarrassments like last year’s Katie Couric interview.

But even a friendly interview can be treacherous. In a sit-down with Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday night, the former Alaska governor confused Iraq and Iran several times.

Watch: :

Asked about how to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, Palin responded by suggesting we get tough with Iraq.

“We have allies who are as concerned about Ahmadinejad’s actions as we are,” she said. “Cutting off the imports into Iraq, of their refined petroleum products. They’re reliant … on those imports. We have some control over there. And some of the beneficial international monetary deals that Iraq benefits from, we can start implementing some sanctions there and start really shaking things up and telling Ahmadinejad, nobody is going to stand for this.”

Rachel Weiner
The Huffington Post

‘Going Rouge’ and the Art of Jujitsu Publishing

"Going Rouge: An American Nightmare" is now available for purchase at www.orbooks.com

"Going Rouge: An American Nightmare" is now available for purchase at http://www.orbooks.com

It was just six weeks ago that OR Books, the new publishing company set up by John Oakes and myself, decided to enter the fray against Sarah Palin by publishing our now much talked-about anthology, “Going Rouge.” In doing so, we realized we would not be competing on a level playing field. The book we were up against, Sarah Palin’s own “Going Rogue,” is the lead title this fall from HarperCollins, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch‘s News Corp, one of the largest media corporations on earth. Harper had agreed to pay the ex-Alaskan governor an advance reputed to be $7 million dollars, aiming to make at least some of this back from a first printing of one and half million copies. Pre-sales alone had taken their book to number one on Amazon.

On our side, the resources were less extravagant. OR Books has a full-time staff of two, John and me, together with help from a small group of talented part-timers. The OR office rotates between the Eros café on New York’s 7th Avenue during the day, and the bar at El Quijote, next to the Chelsea Hotel, at night. The more stressful the day, the earlier we head for the evening office. “Going Rouge,” a dazzling philippic of acrid Palintology assembled by Nation editors Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, is our first book.

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